
Oracle Cloud Services sales tool


Prophet is an online desktop tool used to fine tune Oracle price structures and predict monthly costs according to client needs across an entire project.

The Challenge

To design an easy to use in-browser desktop tool that allows individuals to customize pricing according to length of time and workload intensity all in a 3 week timeframe.

UX Designer


May — June 2020

Online Desktop Tool



Guerilla Research

Rapid workshopping

Through a workshop with the client I brainstormed ideas and found out what hurdles his team faced and what information they lacked. This allowed me to get to know what the client was looking for, determine scope, and narrow the tools that users would need.

Moscow Method

Organizing the data

I tracked some of the patterns that arose throughout the interview process and organized them through an Affinity Map. Being able to visually see recurring patterns and more common themes across help paint a clearer picture on what problems to focus on.

Main Takeaways

Lessons learned

Although there wasn't a lot of time to commit to a full research schedule I still found some valuable lessons.

Sales teams needed to move fast. Team members needed tools that they could use while speaking to potential clients.

Flexible CostsTeam members saw that offering flexible cost structures on the fly while being able to give discounts allowed for them to close deals quickly.



Midfi Wireframes

Sketching out ideas

I made wireframes that focused on how a potential user could sign up and create a new project. I looked at others. After some iterations and discussions with the engineering and Oracle sales team this is what made it in

Final Design

The Finished Product

You can check out the final product here: